General Instructions:
Permanent makeup services are two-step procedures involving the initial procedure and a secondary appointment 8-16 weeks later. Your secondary appointment must be scheduled within 8-16 weeks after your primary appointment - failure to do so voids all future Colour Enhancements discounts.
To avoid unwanted charges and/or disappointments please review our Policies.
Please review pictures of our work to ensure we are the artist for you. Our work is posted in our Portfolio as well as on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Permanent makeup and cosmetic tattooing are an art form and each artist has their own style and abilities. Please schedule a permanent makeup consultation if you would like to discuss your permanent makeup and cosmetic tattooing vision.
Ensure you have had a decent meal and are well hydrated prior to your appointment.
Wear a dark coloured top to your appointment.
For multiple services (packages) please bring a small snack along.
Avoid taking aspirin, aspirin-containing medications, or other anti-coagulants/blood thinners for 7 days before your procedure and secondary appointment (please speak to your doctor before discontinuing any prescribed medication or doctor ordered over-the-counter medications).
Avoid consuming alcohol for two days before your primary procedure and secondary appointment.
Due to insurance purposes, only the client and artist will be allowed in the treatment room during the procedure. If you choose to bring company, please advise them they will have to wait in the foyer.
Avoid strong anti-aging products, retinol, and chemical facial peels for a minimum 28 days before your procedure and secondary appointments.
Avoid sun-tanning or sun exposure for 28 days before your procedure.
Please avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, and other strong scented products to your appointment.
Plan to not get treatment area saturated wet for 48 hours (i.e. shower, bath).
Plan to avoid swimming pools, ocean water, lake water, and hot tubs for a minimum of 3 weeks.
Plan to avoid makeup, Retin-A, glycolic acids, exfoliators, peels, sunscreens, and self-tanners on pigmented areas while healing.
Don’t be alarmed by fading after initial procedure. Final results and colour cannot be fully seen until 4-8 weeks post procedure. Your secondary appointment will allow for modifications or changes to your cosmetic tattoo, if needed.
If you donate blood, it’s a Canadian Blood Services donor policy to wait 3 months after any tattooing procedure.
Specific Information:
Do not wax or pluck your eyebrows 48 hours before your appointment.
Do not have electrolysis done on the eyebrow area for 5 days leading up to your appointment.
Bring your eyebrow pencil to the appointment.
Arrive to your appointment with your eyebrows penciled in as you would normally have them styles. We will work together to create a shape and style that best suits your tastes and is flattering to your facial features.
Understand that your eyebrows will look different throughout the 28-day healing period.
Eyelash extensions MUST be removed prior to your procedure and secondary appointments. If you require your eyelash extensions removed please inform us and we will allot extra time for removal. Our Artist is also a trained eyelash extension technician and can properly remove them. A $25 removal fee will apply.
Do not perm or tint your eyelashes for 48 hours before your appointment.
Do not wear contact lenses to your appointment.
Expect swelling, redness and possibly small bruising. The eyelid is a very sensitive area and responds highly to trauma.
Plan to avoid topical cosmetics until full crust has formed, as powders and shadows can enter wound and heal, causing discolouration.
Discontinue use of lash growth serums a minimum of 12 weeks prior to your appointment. Lash growth serums can cause increased capillary formation which can lead to unwanted pigment migration during the procedure.
Plan to avoid lash growth serums until AFTER secondary appointment healing period.
If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex), even once or if you are unsure you MUST discuss a prophylactic antiviral treatment with a physician prior to your procedure and secondary appointments. The prophylactic antiviral does not guarantee that you will not have an outbreak but can reduce the chances/severity of an outbreak. Outbreaks can disrupt the healing process and cause undesirable results. Antiviral dosage and schedule will depend on medical history and doctor’s recommendations.
If you do not have a history of cold sores, please consider discussing antiviral procphylactics with your physician in case you do have an outbreak. Lip services cause trauma to the lip tissue which can trigger an outbreak.
For the week leading up to your lip appointment gently exfoliate your lips with a store bought exfoliant or a home-made recipe like these here. Also apply moisturizer/lip chap regularly. Exfoliated, well-hydrated lips take colour faster and easier.
Please bring your lip colour to your appointment.
Tattoo Lightening:
Consultations are mandatory for lightening procedures.
Lightening is done in a 1 x 1” or 2.5 x 2.5 cm square at a time with repeated sessions on the same spot 8-12 weeks apart. For tattoos larger than 1 square inch (2.5 x 2.5 cm), multiple sessions will be needed.
Lightening may require multiple sessions on the same site.
Plan to prevent water from touching the treatment area for a minimum of 48 hours.
Plan to not allow the treatment area to become soaked or saturated with water.​
To ensure the most successful service it is important to understand and follow instructions prior to your appointment.
General Instructions:
Please come to your eyelash extension service without makeup on. Failure to do so will result in a makeup removal fee of $10.
To avoid unwanted charges and/or disappointments please review our Policies.
Do not wear contact lenses to your appointment.
Please review pictures of our work to ensure we are the lash artist for you. Justine's work is posted on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Plan to not allow the lash area to become soaked or saturated with water (e.g.). shower, bath) or exposed to high levels of humidity (e.g. steam sauna, hot tub steam, cooking steam) for 24 hours after appointment.​
Due to insurance purposes, only the client and artist will be allowed in the treatment room during the service. If you choose to bring company, please advise them they will have to wait in their vehicle.
Please avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, and other strong scented products to your appointment.
Fill Information:
Please come to your eyelash extension fill without makeup on. Failure to do so will result in a makeup removal fee of $10 and loss of service minutes used to clean the lashes.
Fills are booked by time so please arrive on time or slightly early. Your fill time starts whether you arrive on time or not.
Fills booked after 6 weeks and/or with no remaining lashes extensions will changed to a new set.